Freedom Folks

Sunday, October 29, 2006

While You Were Sleeping

By: Cherie

While you were asleep, America, this once great Nation has been taken over by illegal aliens from all over the world!! As they arrived under their "Trojan Horse" of cheap labor, they quietly and systematically invaded America and planted the mexican flag at our Whitehouse.

While you were asleep, America, these same invaders raped, robbed and murdered your sons and daughters. Your sons and daughters were NOT able to get emergency care at the local hospitals due to hospital closures.

While you were asleep, America, your sons and daughters were FORCED to learn Spanish, and recite the mexican pledge of all allegiance to mexico, and they were forced to beg for their jobs back.

While you were asleep, America, your sons and daughters went off to fight a war your Government deemed necessary in the face of democracy, the same Government that has "sold out America", while you were asleep, America!

Thanks Cherie!