Freedom Folks

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Compare & Contrast

Source: news-gazette via beyond borders blog
A University of Illinois advisory board has imposed sanctions on a fraternity and sorority following its investigation into a “Tacos and Tequila” party held earlier this fall.

Members of the UI’s Board of Fraternity Affairs and Board of Sorority Affairs found Zeta Beta Tau and Delta Delta Delta violated the student code as well as fraternity and sorority rules about alcohol use.

The Oct. 5 party was hosted by the fraternity Zeta Beta Tau and involved members of the sorority Delta Delta Delta. Some students attending the party reportedly dressed up as Latino and Latina farmers, gardeners, pregnant women and illegal aliens.

UI Dean of Students Bill Riley said some of the students’ behaviors were “not just uninformed and insensitive, but some (students) were downright degrading in how they depicted themselves.”

Several hundred students held a rally on campus in late October to protest the party and to urge administrators to condemn the behavior and take action.
With this...
Where is Lee Bollinger? Why have we as yet heard nothing from the president of Columbia University about his investigation into the mob attack that silenced Jim Glchrist? Why has no punishment been meted out? See this piece from The New York Post for more details on “Columbia’s Stonewall.” For background, here’s my original post on the Gilchrist incident, “The Columbia Disgrace.” This post, “Columbia Developments,” shows me falling for Columbia’s apparently bogus promise to investigate by using student “facebook entries.” And this post, “Statement from Columbia,” shows me once again somewhat mollified by what has now been revealed as Columbia’s bogus and deceptive promise to investigate. In short, Columbia has taken me, and conservatives in general, for a ride. It’s now incumbent upon us to show Lee Bollinger that this will not go away. We demand to know the results of Columbia’s investigation into the Gilchrist incident. We demand punishment for the guilty parties.
I guess we see what sorts of things are actionable on a college campus these days, and which aren't.

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