Freedom Folks

Friday, February 16, 2007

Found In Comments...

After reading this post and becoming enraged to the point of, well, stupidity, commenter "Hannitized" felt the need to drop this in a hot steaming pile beneath it...
How stupid are you? I would say extremely stupid.

Where exactly do you see the connection between islamist spies and illegal immigrants from Mexico?

Do you have any idea how many Hispanics/Mexican Americans serve honorably in our military? Or how many have died for your freedom of speech?

And are you suggesting that Muslims should be removed from our country when you make incredibly stupid comments about the presidents position about how he values American Muslims?

The intellectual depravity in your brain is astounding.
Hannitized | 02.15.07 - 11:13 pm | #

Now, long time readers of this blog now I have a soft spot in my heart for stupid people, I do. I find them refreshingly dense, not filled with all that annoying intelligence and sense that just clogs things up so. Having said that let's take a closer look at this nonsense, shall we?
How stupid are you? I would say extremely stupid.
Ah yes, the fourth graders rebuff, I am wounded dear Hannitized, deeply!
Where exactly do you see the connection between islamist spies and illegal immigrants from Mexico?
Where do I see the connection dear Hannitized? It's not about me at all, Had you laid off the sauce before posting this you might have recalled...this.

A taste of the goodness...
“Members of Hezbollah have already entered the United States across the Southwest border.” [Hezbollah is an organization from Lebanon. It has been classified as a terrorist organization by several countries, including the U.S.]
Ahem, we continue...
Do you have any idea how many Hispanics/Mexican Americans serve honorably in our military? Or how many have died for your freedom of speech?
Is our new best friend possibly conflating something here? Whatever could it be?
And are you suggesting that Muslims should be removed from our country when you make incredibly stupid comments about the presidents position about how he values American Muslims?
Actually, I didn't say that, though that's exactly what I believe. Amazing of you to pick that out of the post when it WASN'T IN THERE! Quite amazing really. What I actually said in the post, could you read at more than a drunken toothless hobo's level dearest Hannitized, is that the vetting and screening functions performed on immigrants is so execrably bad that it is almost assured that a truly bad person will enter this country, commit a hienous act, and foolish retards like yourself will overreact instead of taking prudent, cautious actions before the debacle. Because events like 9-11 are caused by people exactly like yourself.
The intellectual depravity in your brain is astounding.
Difference between you and me sweetheart? At least I got a brain.

Oh, and here's a peek at Dhimmi Hannitized's favorite people in the whole wide world...

Yay for diversity! Yay! Yay for idiot dhimmi's like Hannitized who welcome their new masters! Yay!

Please comment more Hannitized, that was fun! (for our gentle readers, dear Hannitized has commented several times, if you need a laugh feel free to seek them out, they are really quite rich and thick and chocolate!)

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