Freedom Folks

Thursday, March 29, 2007

The "Have Your Cake And Eat It Too" Conservatives: Tamara Jacoby

Source: The Clarion Ledger

Tamara Jacoby is an old favorite of this blog, as a cheap labor shill she is almost without equal, and for no apparent reason is granted appellations such as...
“Tamar Jacoby, a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute and a nationally respected expert on immigration issues, is a rare breed of think tank author and speaker - a fiscal conservative who believes that “sensible levels of open immigration” is in this nation’s best interests.”
Respected? By whom? Those who want cheap labor?
Tamar Jacoby, a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute and a nationally respected expert on immigration issues, is a rare breed of think tank author and speaker - a fiscal conservative who believes that “sensible levels of open immigration” is in this nation’s best interests.

Her conservative message? “People are sick of porous borders and sick of immigrants ignoring the rule of law.”

Her conservative solution? “Get illegal immigrants legal and in the system, make them accountable and help the ones who are here illegally to do the things necessary to get legal.”

Jacoby, a former writer for both Newsweek and The New York Times, told state legislators and BIPEC members that “immigration was a trickle in the 1960s and has become a flow today.”

“Supply and demand creates a flow of 1.5 million Hispanic immigrants a year, but current laws only allow 1 million to legally enter the country,” said Jacoby. “The other 500,000 enter the country illegally and there is a cost for that illegality.”

Jacoby said the answer to the nation’s immigration debate is to bring current legal immigration quotas “into line with supply and demand.”
Okay, fine Tamara, here are my questions for you...

1.) Wouldn't "making illegals legal" still actually be ignoring the rule of law on a case by case basis?

2.) Who will force the ones here illegally to "get legal?" And will we deport those who refuse? If so what number is reasonable to deport?

3.) As to porous borders? What exactly are you willing to do to make them non-porous? You are on record as scorning a wall? Would you please lay out your solution?

4.) The law of supply and demand does not require immigrants, if it did we would have seen wages rising, this is supply and demand (which has a clear and direct meaning unless apparently applied to illegal immigrants) yet in those sectors where illegals congregate wages have been flat or declining, explain.

5.) Though you do not address this explicitly in this piece, how should we assist these "immigrants" in assimilating? Those organizations and entities that formerly were involved with this have either gone over to the dark side or actively work against assimilation now.

6.) Finally, wouldn't providing amnesty to those who have come illegally allow them political access and power which could then be used to pry our border open further? If you don't believe this to be the case please explain why that wouldn't be so.

H/T immigration watchdog

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