HTFTTF Countdown: 1 day!

I just got a final email from FAIR and wanted to throw some of it up for y'all...
Event Participants
If you signed up but did not receive your lobby team assignment, or didn't pre-register but would like to lobby Monday-Wednesday, please stop by the registration table before or after lobby training on Sunday, which starts at noon at the Phoenix Park Hotel. If you pre-paid for the reception on Tuesday, you will get your tickets when pick up your name badge from the registration table.
Agenda and Event Information
The four day schedule of activities includes a Capitol Hill Lobbying Campaign organizing hundreds of participants who will visit their legislators urging them to oppose illegal alien amnesty and push for stronger border enforcement. Additional press conferences, live interviews with Congressmen and Senators, blogger's row, receptions and special events are planned to put radio hosts, listeners, and hundreds of activists together at the front lines of the illegal alien amnesty debate.
Read the full event agenda.
Sunday Events
The Rally to Demand Secure Borders and Enforcement of Our Immigration Law sponsored by the Dustin Inman Society will start at 3:30 at Lafayette Park, which is between H St. and Pennsylvania Ave., just north of the White House.
Important Rally Rules from the Dustin Inman Society, which is sponsoring the rally.
"To simplify the rules . . . think about it this way: Nothing except your shoes should touch the ground with the single exception of a sign that is within three feet of your person. Please do not bring anything in a box NO TRIPODS, NO BOXES, NO CHAIRS, OR BALLOONS. Please, DO NOT GET MORE THAN THREE FEET AWAY FROM YOUR SIGN IF YOU PUT IT DOWN"
Read the full rules at the Dustin Inman Society site.
Will there be counter-demonstrators?
It is likely that there will be some counter-demonstrators on Sunday. The Park Police and other law enforcement will be on-site regardless of whether illegal immigration supporters show up.
Driving directions - use type in Lafayette Park, DC Metro (Subway) - the McPherson Square stop is close to the White House
Pre-Registration Closed!
If you are planning on joining us in Washington DC for this event, our website registration is closed. At this time, if you are planning on lobbying Congress Mon-Wed, please visit the registration table at the Phoenix Park Hotel to sign up starting Sunday, at 10:00 AM. Also, if you plan on attending the benefit reception for Border Agents Ramos and Compean we have closed on-line registration. There are still spots available at the reception, and you can pay in advance by visiting our registration/information table at the Phoenix Park Hotel.
We recommend using the subway here as the best method for getting in and out of the District - public garages in downtown D.C. will typically charge $20 or more per day. Visit the PMI Parking Site for DC to locate a garage. Not all garages are open on a Sunday. One PMI facility that is open is the one at 1325 G. St. 202-785-9191. FAIR is not officially recommending one parking facility for rally participants, however the G. St. location is relatively close to the White House.
Yay! Finally a mention of the bloggers!
How to Help from Home
Read FAIR's suggestions for how to have an impact if you aren't able to attend the events in DC, including calls and visits to your local district office, as well as discussing the event on your personal blog in coordination with Blogger's Row at Feet to the Fire.
To our fellow bloggers, please help us spread the word on this! And please make sure to check out our fine fellow bloggers with whom we will be sharing the load over the next several days. This will be a group effort, not just of those who go to Washington, but of every American. If you're not a member now is an excellent time to sign up and become a member of FAIR. Not to mention ALIPAC. I would suggest The Dusty Inman society but I'm pretty sure you have to eat grits, eeew!
Though to be honest, can even one of these others pretend to have a mascot as magnificent as Mr. Poopie?

Ahem, we will be in transit tomorrow so posting will most likely be light, I will try to post some more tonight to feed your voracious maws, and when we get in we'll try to get some 'gee-whillikers it's DC" picture posts up.

Again, if you're going shoot us an email or drop by bloggers row, we'd love to see ya! A special thanks to all those who hit our tip jar and helped defray expenses, we love you! Mwah! All the rest of you bums? Yeah, we love you too, whatever. (sassa-frassin cheap, no good, want all this bloggin for nothin)
What's that? You could hear me? Oh, um, see ya in DC! :)
And remember...

The crazy rants of Sam Burns Leaning straight up Perri Nelson Cao's blog Adams blog The pirates cove Basil's blog StikNstein Rightlinx The right nation Macbros place Pursuing holiness The Bullwinkle blog Right voices The world according to carl Allie is wired The dumb ox The uncooperative blogger Woman honor thyself Stuck on stupid 123beta the pet haven
Black velvet bruce lee Yankee mom Random American We hate gringos More what People's patriot Utah rattler Nuke Gingrich
Technorati Tags: hold their feet to the fire, federation for american immigration reform, alipac, dusty inman, washington dc, illegal immigration, amnesty, blogger row
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