Jackass Quotes of the Day
It's two for the price of one today, folks -- don't say I never gave you anything.
Source: OC Register
"Legislation that doesn't have the confidence of the people who are affected is going nowhere."I have to admit that I feel slightly more affection for Gutierrez because he's not just any Race Pandering Whore -- he's my RPW. Wait. Did I say affection? I meant disgust.
-- Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-MA)
"Why should we do less than the American people are willing for us to do and millions of them have marched for?"
-- Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-IL)
The "confidence of the people affected," Sweaty Teddy? The "people affected" that you refer to are those who are in the country illegally, and guess what? They don't get a say.
As for the millions of "them" that marched for a free pass on breaking the law? "Them" aren't citizens, Gutierrace. We were both at those marches here in Chicago. I'd guess that a sizable majority of the marchers aren't part of the "them" you're supposed to represent. But I am.
So why are YOU so very unwilling to do what the American people want? Here's a clue: it's NOT amnesty.
Technorati Tags: Illegal Immigration, Illegal Alien, Ted Kennedy, Luis Gutierrez, RPW, Immigration Reform, Amnesty
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