What is it with the liberal pantywaists? I mean, of course we all wish the world was a nice place. We all wish things were different. We all wish things were…nice.
But they’re not.
No amount of wishing will make it so. No amount of Bush bashing will make the boogey-men go away. John Kerry or Al Gore wouldn’t have made the world love us. No matter how much you liberals hold your hands over your ears singing LA-LA-LA, it won’t change the fact that there are millions of people on this planet who wish for your death, preferably in the nastiest most brutal way possible.
The world isn’t a nice place.
And yet these pantywaists, these ninnies would have us shape our national debate in such a way as to never hurt anyone’s feelings.
Children should never win or lose. All people with the exception of White folks are poor victims of discrimination. Certain words are much worse than horrible realities. Reality must bend to the whims of the politically correct.
All wars must be fought in such a way that nobody’s feelings are hurt. Perhaps we should commission an ‘Apology battalion’ who could follow our brave fighting men and women and apologize the smoking remains of our hated enemies. Yeah, that’s a winning strategy.
It’s pernicious and like most things liberal sounds good until you actually stop and think about it. We can’t protect our children, let alone our citizens from everything. Can’t do it. Shouldn’t do it.
People need to be tough, not coddled. All real Americans are nodding their heads in agreement. All blathering liberal pantywaists are holding up a slim Niles Crane hand in horror.
But Jake, they splutter, you don’t understand the historical reality. You don’t understand this situation. Well, maybe I do, maybe I don’t, but let me share with you my deepest feeling on the subject.
I don’t care.
That’s not the principle this country was founded on. Fierce self-reliance is the lynch pin of the American soul. No more, no less. Anything else gives you the aftermath of hurricane Katrina. The mere fact that some joker shot at police is all the indictment of the welfare nanny state that I require. I sincerely hope we will take long hard national look at what lead to that outcome. Because as an American I’m sickened by the how the locals at every step dropped the ball.
Not just the government, though god knows they stank it up. The residents also have a lot to answer for. A piece of advice for Celine Dion, Celine, please shut your goddamn French Canadian piehole. You are one comment shy of my hating you and I may be among the last six people on this half of the continent who still like you.
It’s pernicious. Oh, let them loot, it’s just stuff.
No! It’s a crime and in my humble opinion a dead serious one. Societal anarchy is never a joke, it’s never cute or excusable. It may mean nothing to you my liberal friend, but allow me to share with you how I feel about the aftermath.
I’m ashamed.
Ashamed that fellow Americans embarrassed us all in such an egregious way, ashamed that the world saw Americans acting in this fashion. To me, being an American is something special, something truly important.
If you don’t feel the same.
I pity you.
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