A Little Something for the Fellas
In all the talk recently swirling around the Supreme Court nominees one issue has predominated.
Oops, did I say abortion? I, of course, meant to say Choice!
That's right, because it's not the brutal murder of a cute little baby. NO WAY MAN! It's a choice, damn your conservative eyes.
Okay, now that we have that settled. All this talk about abort...sorry, I don't know what my problem is.
Choice. Yes, all this talk about choice got me thinking, and here's what I thought.
What's in it for the fellas? I'll tell you what's in it for the fellas...nothin'. that's what.
So what can we do to involve our men in this critical issue? I have a thought. See, back in Roman days they had this cool thing called Paterfamilias. Here's how it worked:
If the lady of the house or the rug rats pissed off the dude he had options. He could --
1) Kill her
2) Sell her into slavery
As a fella preparing to celebrate his thirteenth wedding anniversary in the near future, I assure you there's quite a bit to recommend this idea.
1) Chicks are crazy
2) See #1
Now, there are those amongst us so brainwashed by the fairer sex that they will be making a sad mewling noise about rights and understanding at this point. To these sensitive individuals I say FOR GODS SAKE SHUT UP!!
To those furry-pitted champions of baby killing who may be spluttering like tea kettles at my idea, allow me to say...Death or slavery?
You've come a long way baby!
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