Freedom Folks

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Your Warhol Alarm Is Beeping

"We would not be trying to control and intimidate the news media. We would not be routinely torturing people," Gore said. "We would be a different country."
Al Gore

In a medication free moment Al Gore breaks free from his "handlers" and continues to spew vitriol in the direction of the country he purports to be a citizen of.

As if it wasn't bad enough that we've been forced to rectally search the man for Buddhists and Chinese spies, now we are forced to endure his puerile ranting from abroad. As if eight years of Bubba the wonder crook and his arch henchman Al (I am your god worship me) Gore weren't bad enough, people continue to give this pontificating geek a platform from which to lash out.

Routinely? Really Al? Has it not occurred in that tight, cramped space that passes for a cranium in most folks that the "alleged" torture was already under investigation? Or does that not fit the narrative that you and your anti-American cronies have lurched upon. Namely, that America is evil! Wow, you must be a genius or sumpin'.

I thank god daily for Al Gore and his lunatic ramblings. They show us the true face of the Democrat Party. Namely, in lieu of ideas we'll just keep trashing America until people realize the error of their ways and re-elect us.

How's that been working for you boys?