Freedom Folks

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Mary Mapes: The Next Jimmy Olsen?

I allowed some TV bilge to pour into my home tonight courtesy of the Political Teen.

I hadn't realized that Bill O'reilly was now hosting a comedy extravaganza. Mary Mapes, crack reporter and believer of all manner of things made a most extraordinary statement while being interviewed by the redoubtable O'reilly.

Here's the money exchange --

O’REILLY: So, are you a liberal?
MAPES: Well I’m not sure what a liberal is, I’m more liberal than some people. I can tell you my eight year old son thinks he’s being raised by the most conservative parents in the world.
O’REILLY: No but politically, you know what I’m talking about.
MAPES: Well I think like a lot of Americans, I’m all over the map and it’s something I mean for me, like who I vote for?
O’REILLY: Are you a registered Democrat?
MAPES: You know, I don’t know.
O’REILLY: You don’t know?
MAPES: I don’t know. I don’t know if I’m Independent or Democrat, I know I’m not — in Texas I’m not sure –
O’REILLY: So you know describe yourself political as .. ?
MAPES: Oh my goodness, I’m liberal on some things and I’m conservative on some things.

Just in case you haven't enjoyed a refreshing caffeinated beverage allow me to bludgeon the obvious. This crack reporter and believer of all manner of things doesn't know what a little card that should be located in her wallet says. She is unaware of what political party she belongs to.

Now, lest you think I'm being mean allow me to say that I make my money as a chef. People often assume that my wife and I are tripping around the house noshing on fois gras and truffles when the reality is we are just as likely as you to pop a pot pie in the oven or lay on the couch like slugs with potato chip crumbs delicately coating our T-shirts.

However, I can tell you right now what my voter registration card says under party affiliation. I'm not going to though because the suspense will drive you mad with pleasure.

I understand that reporters are people too and not necessarily on the job at all times. Fair enough, this is not about that, this is about one of the dumbest things I've ever heard a person utter in my middle-aged dotage.

I have a little journalistic challenge for Ms. Mapes. When you conduct an investigation into what that little card in your wallet says, maybe, just maybe we'll believe your BS story!

As seen @ The Political Teen