Freedom Folks

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Giant Cranium Syndrome: Making Strides

Case referred by: The Political Teen

Though doctors have long thought the symptoms of Giant Cranium Syndroms (GCS) were well known, your generous contributions have helped fund critical research. This research has delivered some stunning new insights into this heartbreaking malady.

Tonight on Hannity & Colmes Bob Beckel was stricken by this silent killer. Though the pathology took an interesting turn. In the past GCS sufferers often spewed gibberish, frequently when they left thier native soil.

Tonight Bob Beckel displayed some brand new symptoms that may shed new light on this mysterious disease. Treasonous cowardice has been added to the confirmed list of symptoms.

About halfway through the segment Bob began rocking back and forth in a fashion eerily reminiscent of Stevie Wonder railing against President Bush on Oprah. Phrases such as "Give me a break!" and "YOU think we're wnnning this war?" are unfortunately classic symptoms.

A researcher at the LBJ GCS research institute breathlessy reports "We thought we had seen every permutation this baby could throw at us, treasonous cowardice is a new and exciting wrinkle."

During tonight's show Alan Colmes began to exhibit mild symptoms of GCS. Fox news fans will recall Alan's important contributions to the Hannity & Colmes legacy. As a regurgitator of DNC talking points he provided an important comedic counterpoint to any adult discussion that accidentally broke out on the show. He will be missed.

Please do not judge these men harshly Mr. & Mrs. America they need our understanding more than ever. Every dollar you donate brings us one step closer to a much needed big screen TV, oh, I mean a cure, of course.

Please make all donations payable to: Jake's big screen TV fund.

Previous Cases:
Chris Matthews

John Kerry