Freedom Folks

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Tough Questions for Ward Churchill

Ward Churchill has been on the receiving end of plenty of press and protest for his writings and comments about 9-11. We've protested him ourselves...check it out here, and read more blogger accounts here and here.

Now, students from his own school are asking him some hard questions.

Protesters confronted controversial professor Ward Churchill at the University of Colorado yesterday, asking him to circle the names of 9-11 victims who deserved to die on a 12-foot banner memorializing them.
Read the whole story here.

Now, having lived in and around Boulder, I know the guts it takes to stand up as a conservative -- especially on the CU campus. Kudos to you guys.

The protest organizer said Churchill then came out into the hallway to get the guest speaker and that he "took a swipe at" a video camera that was recording the event.

VanBuskirk said several students came out of the class and yelled at the protesters, one of whom was reportedly led away after destroying some of the demonstrators' literature.
Yep. That's the usual "peaceful" response we've all come to expect from Churchill and his groupies.

I, for one, won't be holding my breath waiting for a lucid response from the crackpot professor.

As seen @
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bRight & Early

basil's blog

Jo's Cafe

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TMH's Bacon Break

Liberal Common Sense

Right Wing Nation