Freedom Folks

Saturday, January 21, 2006

One of These Things is Not Like the Others...

One of these things is not the same:

Iran pulls $50bn out of EU banks in nuclear row
Iran moving funds from Europe
Iran Pulling Foreign Reserves From Europe
Iran 'moves assets out of Europe'
With Threat of Sanctions, Iran Protects Some Assets

From around the world reports of Iran "moving" and "pulling" their assets have been coming fast and furious. Trust the "media bias, what media bias?" New York Times to concoct that last headline.

While plenty of news sources seem content to use neutral verbs like moving and pulling, the NYT needs to add that little extra something called slant by informing us that, under threat, Iran is protecting their assets.

Is it subtle? Sure. But what is propaganda if not an accumulation of subtle but purposeful wordplay?