Freedom Folks

Monday, January 02, 2006

Vigilance Commitees?

What do you do when the government is corrupted?

This is a pretty serious question.

Our government has given this nation over against the will of a majority of her citizens to illegal aliens, their political action machines and the businesses that lust after cheap labor. What do we do?

The political machines have fixed the game with safe districts and counties so they won't be voted out of office.

The foxes are guarding the henhouse.

Being a fan of history I want to throw out a parallel and hear what you think.

Montana vigilantes

Back in 1864 the towns of Virginia City and Nevada Montana hired a crooked sheriff. Henry Plummer was well known as the leader of a group of highwaymen who was able to use his ill gotten gains to essentially buy the job of sheriff in two towns through bribes and intimidation. He quickly filled his deputy positions with his cronies and they began to commit crimes under the protection of the sheriff.

As you might imagine things got bad right quick for the folks in these two towns culminating in the murder of Nicholas Tbalt by George Ives. George had been seen about town with the dead man's donkey and was heard boasting that old Nick wouldn't be bothering anyone again.

Unfortunately for the good folks of Virginia City and nevada, George was a good friend of Sheriff Plummer, which meant that any possibility of a fair trial was slim to none.

So the folks of the town got together a vigilance committee, hunted George Ives down and hung him by the neck until he was dead. The vigilance committee ended up hanging twenty two men all told, restoring honest justice to these two towns.

Here's a quote from the source material I'm looking at...

"Peace and justice we must have, and it is what the citizens will have in this community; through the courts, if possible; but peace and justice are rights, and courts are only means to an end, admittedly the very best and most dependable means; and if they fail, the people, the republic that created them, can do their work for them."

This was the justification in forming the Minuteman Project and the project was wildly successful. Unfortunately, the very thing the Minutemen set out to do, raise awareness, while important to the general public who were already plenty angry over the situation at our borders, the politicians were another matter entirely, they knew full well their constituents were unhappy and have ignored us for at least thirty years.

Thirty years. Chew on that for a minute. For over thirty years our governments at every level have allowed every manner of lawlessness, aided and abetted by a radical judiciary while cynically selling us out to the highest bidder.

Businesses and political pressure groups. Businesses don't vote. Let me say that again, businesses don't vote and shouldn't be driving public policy through campaign contributions and sweetheart deals such as retired politicians sitting on boards and drawing sweet salaries so long as they vote the way the businesses desire while in office.

So what do we do?

Before anyone dashes out with a loaded weapon let me say I'm not advocating violence yet. Though I wouldn't go so far as to call it an impossibility. I really believe our system is broken, we desperately need to get back to the idea of citizen representation, not thirty year careers in the Senate which seem to lead, like night into day, to corruption and playing the re-election game.

it has been said that a little revolution now and again is a good thing. I'm seeing the truth of that more and more each day.