Freedom Folks

Friday, May 26, 2006

Heroes Among Us!

Source: californiachronicle
Runner Starts 'Great Californian Boycott' Against Vicente Fox

May 25, 2006

Assemblywoman May Suffer Official Reprimand for Actions.

Sacramento – Assemblywoman Sharon Runner (R – Lancaster), announced today that she is opposed to an address before a joint session of the California State Legislature today by Mexican President Vicente Fox. Fox, who is on a three-day lobbying tour of three Western U.S. states, was invited to address the joint session by Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez (D-Los Angeles) and Senate Speaker Pro tem Don Perata (D-Oakland). The Joint Session of the Legislature is scheduled for 4:30 p.m. Thursday May 24, 2006 on the Assembly Floor.

“I believe it is wrong for the California State Legislature to give this platform to a foreign head of state whose policies and corrupt government institutions pose a threat to the social, economic and security interests of the people of the United States,” Runner said. “I will not be attending President Fox’s address because I do not believe that his Administration has done enough to enforce our nation’s mutual border laws and because his country continues to harbor and protect California fugitives from prosecution in the U.S.”

“President Fox has a history of non-cooperation with American officials on immigration issues at both state and federal levels,” Runner continued. “Unfortunately, I am not surprised that the liberal majority in Sacramento would give President Fox this type of platform in California that puts him on equal footing with our Governor or our President. I would be open to discussion with President Fox if he were coming to explain his country’s backward policies and offer some resolution and compromise to the California people. However, that is clearly not the case.”

The Assembly Rules Committee is requiring all members to be present for the joint session. Missing the session without permission could subject Assemblywoman Runner to official reprimand by majority leaders. “This is one of those issues I feel that passionate about,” Runner explained. “I do not want to give credibility to the liberal majority’s acceptance of illegal immigration and Mexico’s official policies urging its citizens to break the law and come to the United States illegally.”

“I think the California Legislature’s liberal majority is confused, bending over backwards to support Mexico and illegal immigrants,” Runner continued. “I was elected by the citizens of my district and that is where I will be this evening, serving the people of the 36th Assembly District.”
You go girl!

H/T LoneWacko

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