Freedom Folks

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Miller Sales and Stock Dives

Source: Beeradvocate (H/T Immigration News Daily)

Last week the Illegal Immigration Boycott Coalition passed the 100 supporting organizations mark and achieved over 12,000 petition signatures while the Dow Jones Newswires announced a collapse in SABMiller's stock value and beer sales in America!

The boycott by immigration enforcement groups was brought on by September 1 reports in the Chicago Tribune that Miller Brewing Company gave $30,000 to pro amnesty organizations that support illegal immigration. Coalition members also determined that Miller gives large sums of money to race based organizations like La Raza (Translation: The Race)

According to the Dow Jones News Newswires (9/22/2006) SABMiller (SAB.JO) stock had fallen to 999p. This is a 6.02percent drop since the launch of the Miller Boycott on September 5 when the stock was trading at 1063p. Dow Jones reports that Miller Beer's sales are down in America more than other major companies.
Care to join me for a non-Miller toast? Find out more and sign the petition, if you haven't already, at

Technorati Tags
Illegal Immigration * Illegal Aliens * Miller Boycott * Beer