Freedom Folks

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Mark Krikorian: Listen To Jake!

Source: NRO

Mark Krikorin who heads up the Center For Immigration Studies has a piece out in NRO, he must have read this for inspiration. Actually our co-blogger JimK hit it a little more on the nose...Here.
"Interesting Opportunities"
Are amnesty and open borders in our future?

Before election night was even over, White House spokesman Tony Snow said the Democratic takeover of the House presented “interesting opportunities,” including a chance to pass “comprehensive immigration reform” — i.e., the president’s plan for an illegal-alien amnesty and enormous increases in legal immigration, which failed only because of House Republican opposition..

At his press conference Wednesday, the president repeated this sentiment, citing immigration as “vital issue … where I believe we can find some common ground with the Democrats.”

Will the president and the Democrats get their way with the new lineup next year?
Read the whole thing...Here.

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