Freedom Folks

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Yay Diversity!

Source: Detroit Free Press
“1st Muslim congressman thrills crowd in Dearborn”

Speaking in Dearborn late Sunday night, the first Muslim elected to Congress told a cheering crowd of Muslims they should remain steadfast in their faith and push for justice.

“You can’t back down, you can’t chicken out, you can’t be afraid, you got to have faith in Allah, and you got to stand up and be a real Muslim,” Detroit native Keith Ellison said to loud applause.

Allahu akbar” God is great was the reply of many in the crowd.

Ellison vowed to use the Quran during his swearing in ceremony next month.

“On Jan. 4, I will go swear an oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States. I’ll place my hand on the Quran,” Ellison said while placing his hand on the lectern, to loud applause and cries of “Allahu akbar.
I can't help feeling uncomfortable with this. Though I recognize it's a bit of a false conflation, yet, when I hear Americans on American soil responding with the exact same phrase that I hear chanted by terrorists as they behead folks a chill goes down my spine.

Oh, amd my understanding is that Allahu Akbar doesn't mean what the propogandist sez in the piece, I believe it means "Our god is greatest."

H/T Polipundit

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