Freedom Folks

Friday, November 11, 2005

A Grateful Salute to our Veterans

I felt a pang this morning when I got up. Veterans Day. I think about my dad extra when Veterans Day rolls around. It's been almost 5 years since he passed away, and I still miss my annual call on this day to thank him for serving our country.

Dad immigrated from England in 1962 and became a citizen in 1969, when I was two. He loved this country all the more because he had chosen to call it home. He loved it so much that he served us in the U.S. Air Force for 21 years.

I can't call him and hear his voice, but I can still give my thanks to him, and all our veterans, on this special day:

Thank you for every sacrifice your military service required.
Thank you for winning, defending and preserving our freedom.
Thank you for teaching me, by word and deed, how to love this country.
Thank you for all you've done to earn and deserve my gratitude and respect.
Thank you for making our great country and the world a better place.

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