Freedom Folks

Friday, November 11, 2005

Stupid Politician Tricks

News you can use--

Your representatives are on an anti-free speech kick again. Their are two bills you need to be aware of.

HR 4194 this bill seeks to regulate blogging and every modern communication technology (podcast, wiki, peer-to-peer). Forcing bloggers to follow the campaign finance laws.

HR 1606 this bill seeks to protect blogger freedoms.

This is my letter to my senators --

Dear Senator,
I have recently been made aware of these bills. Allow me to express in strongest terms my support for HR 1606 and my unrelenting loathing for HR 4194.
Please support HR 1606 which allows regular Americans the chance to be active in the political process through blogs, podcasts and the sundry other technologies which have opened up the doors of free speech.
I also urge that you oppose HR 4194 which would muzzle plain American citizens and hamper free speech. Free speech is a gift given from God, sir. The constituition does not protect you from us the American people, rather it protects us from you. It protects us from fearful politicians who by their very nature seem to wish to silence their constituents.
Again, please support 1606 and please kill 4194.

Please follow my lead and send a letter here.

H/T Always on Watch
Trackbacked 2 The Online Coalition