Freedom Folks

Friday, December 02, 2005

Arabs: We (heart) France

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Arab nations are acutely suspicious of the Bush administration's "democracy" agenda in the Middle East and believe the U.S. invasion of Iraq' has made the region less secure, said a poll released on Friday.
The poll, conducted in six Arab countries in October, found 78 percent of respondents thought there was more terrorism because of the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003, with four out of five saying the war had brought less peace to the region.
Asked which countries posed the biggest threat to their nations, a majority chose
Israel' and the United States.
Oh no, they don't like us. I'm crushed, really. Of course we pose the biggest threat, we're the only one's ready to stick a great big pointy toed cowboy boot up thier man dresses if they continue to make stupid choices. Choices like...Oh, I don't know, blowing up children in the name of the future glorious caliphate.

"The one fascinating outcome of this study is that the respondents view the United States and its policies through the prism of Iraq and Israel," said Professor Shibley Telhami of the University of Maryland, who conducted the poll with Zogby International in Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and the United Arab Emirates.

NO! This fact is fascinating only to useful idiot Professor Shibley Telhami. Cuz', you know, we all know how much the Muslims luv Israel. How stupid does this guy and the tea-bagging reporter here think we are? The president of Iraq is on record as wanting to exterminate two places, any guesses what those two places might be? Yep, Israel and America, two democracies that could rather easily kick his narrow ass.
In the new poll, 69 percent of those surveyed doubted that spreading democracy was the real U.S. objective. Oil, protecting Israel, dominating the region and weakening the Muslim world were seen as U.S. goals.
Muslim world = Caliphate! (or as we say in Chicago -- Kiss my fat white ass Omar )
"America's presence in Iraq is seen as a negative. It is scaring people about American intentions and having the opposite intended impact on Arab public opinion," Telhami told Reuters.

I don't care if they like us, fear will work quite handily thanks. Fear is the beginning of wisdom after all.
More than half -- 58 percent -- said Iraq was less democratic than before the war and three of four said Iraqis were worse off.
I did not know Mensa was started in the Middle East. Harnessing brain power like this, one wonders why thier not ruling the world.
Asked which countries they would like to be the superpower, the most popular choice was France with 21 percent, followed by China with 13 percent, Pakistan and Germany tied with 10 percent, Britain with 7 percent, the United States with 6 percent and finally Russia with 5 percent,

(See Mensa comments above) Yeah, why would Middle Easterners love an ultra-appeasing, sore kneed surrender monkey like France? It's truly a mystery.
France, which opposed the March 2003 invasion of Iraq, was also seen as the country where people had the most freedom and its President Jacques Chirac', was the leader most admired by respondents. Others included, by late Palestinian President Yasser Arafat' and ousted Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein'.

These folks should get out of the tent more. Frankly and without malice, I gotta ask, what the ^%$&* do these people know about freedom? This is like asking a deaf person to describe jazz. I bet when they get a taste they'll change thier tune, until then they should practice the ancient Zen art of STFU!
On Iran', most of the respondents said the U.S. adversary should have the right to a nuclear program and international pressure should cease while 21 percent said it should be pressured to stop its nuclear ambitions.
Well, there you have it in a nutshell. This is exactly why Iran cannot be allowed to have a nuke. If these gomers think it's a good plan, then I know it's the worst thing in the world. I wonder why they even care if Iran has nukes? Maybe the ultimate case of Jihad happy?

I'm just shocked that this is presented as straight news. I reiterate my question, how stupid do they think we are. Pretty stupid I guess, I hope thier wrong.

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