Freedom Folks

Sunday, December 04, 2005

A Personal Take on Illegal Immigration

I've posted before about one of the personal reasons that illegal immigration is such a big deal to me: my dad, who was a legal immigrant and served this country for 21 years in the USAF.

My buddy over at Dragon Master Gunner decided to share his personal experience, and I hope you'll take time to read it.

I know there must be countless people out there who have very personal reasons as to why they so strongly feel we have to fix this illegal immigration problem we have. If you've blogged about it in the past, or if this encourages you to do so now, please e-mail me and I'll link to it.

If, as people on the left keep shouting, this is a country of immigrants, then that must include a shitload of legal ones who are as angry as I am that my father's love, honor & respect for this great country, which manifested itself in his seeking citizenship legally and serving a career in our military, are being spit upon by those who would blatantly break our laws, and the government that is content to sit by and do nothing about it.