Freedom Folks

Sunday, January 22, 2006

GOP Endorses Guest Worker Program

Despite deep divisions within its ranks, the Republican Party formally endorsed a guest-worker program Friday that would permit more workers from abroad to work legally and temporarily in the United States.

The vote by the Republican National Committee averted a potentially embarrassing setback for President Bush, who has called for a guest-worker program.
Cry me a $&@! river.

I blogged on the pending RNC vote here. Obviously, I'm disappointed -- although not surprised -- that the resolution denouncing a guest worker program was pulled before came to a vote. I guess it would have been a moot point, since the author (Arizona's Randy Pullen) was the only committee member to vote against the guest workers program endorsement.

Pullen was the only committee member to oppose the guest-worker proposal, though nine other members had initially signed onto his resolution, which warned that a guest-worker plan would "result in more illegal immigration and increased crime in our country."

Pullen told his fellow Republican National Committee members that he had received thousands of e-mails in support. He read one aloud, quoting the sender thanking him for "standing up for we little guys."
Well, I thank you too, Mr. Pullen -- for standing up for this and all the rest of the little guys, and for not weaseling out like the other nine members. A little backbone goes a long way in my book.