Freedom Folks

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

The Insidious Corruption Of Illegal Immigration...

Source: CSM
They are not part of an organized crime family, they say - just part of a network of established immigrants who help others attain what they’ve achieved. They are, in effect, the go-betweens from those who bring the immigrants and those who make the fake ID papers - a service they say they provide for free.

“A coyote will call and say, ‘Does your boss need more workers?’ or ‘Can you help get this person some papers?’ ” says David, whose main job is as a landscaper. “It’s easy. I’ll have a number for a [document] guy and call him. We’ll meet at the major intersection out here, say, in half an hour. I give him $50 or $100, whatever he’s asking, a photo of the person, and a name,” he adds. “About 45 minutes later, he’ll call me to come meet him on the same corner with the papers - a Social Security card and a green card.”
A reminder: These are the "honest" ones!

H/T Vdare

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