Freedom Folks

Sunday, January 21, 2007

With A Side Of Mockery Please!

Source: illegal fellators times

It appears poor Chris Tribbey, staff writer and nincompoop at the "illegal fellators journal is upset that NON-PROFESSIONAL JOURNALISTS have the temerity to question the godlike wisdom of the "illegal fellators journal."

Turns out Chris was home sick with Monkey Flu (his term -- ed.) when a big fire broke out and Chris was unable to report from the scene. So what did Chris decide to do in lieu of reporting?

Why, mocking bloggers of course. It's sort of the new thing for PROFESSIONAL JOURNALISTS to do, don'tcha know.

He writes...
Upset that I was missing out on the news coverage ---- trust me, it's a rush ---- I sat back, drank my Alka-Seltzer, and watched what others were doing. TV news was all over it, but TV news is McNews: thin, cheap, leaving you wanting more. I hopped online and waited for the North County Times story. Little by little, we updated the events, and then added photos. I thought about the excitement in the newsroom. I cursed the bug that bit me.

I then played the illegal immigrant blog game, a favorite pastime of North County Timers. If you read our Web site regularly, you probably play it, too. It doesn't matter what the story is, someone, at some point, will start blogging about illegal immigration. The game is to guess how soon someone will post about illegal immigrants on a story that has nothing to do with them. We write about a Latino kid winning an award, people start asking if he or she is an anchor baby. We write about wild coyotes, people start asking if they have all their papers in order. It's funny, in a "man, they have a lot of free time on their hands" sorta way.

The first story about the fire was posted on our Web site shortly before 3 p.m. Wait for it ... wait for it ... THERE! At 3:21, someone managed to fit illegal immigration AND Councilwoman Marie Waldron into the discussion. It's not a record, but it was impressive.
Except here's the thing O mighty pooh-bah of the newsroom, the reason bloggers do this, and illegal immigration is hardly the only issue, is due to the willful blindness on display in every newsroom in the country as regards illegal immigration and its impact.

Very few people in this country trust you to tell us if a story features an illegal alien, so we presume, in the absence of facts you will not divulge, that you're lying. I would hope this would hurt, but I know it doesn't Chris, why? because you are no more a journalist than I am. If anything I am more a journalist then those toiling away in the ink stained trenches for two reasons, I am beholden to no one and I can be honest about my biases. Two very powerful things I'm sure you'd agree.

Until your paper along with all the rest start telling the truth about illegal immigration, Chris, you will continue to see things like this. Because we don't believe you or trust you anymore. And though it hurts your inflated ego, the peons are starting to question people just like you. People who for too long felt themselves above such things.

The bottom line Chris? Due to people just like you? Every story is an illegal immigration story these days. Perhaps if we didn't have 9-12-20-40 million illegal aliens in this country with YOUR BLESSING you ignorant sack of refuse, no bias of course, we wouldn't wonder if the angelic Latino child was an anchor baby, or if the next horrific fire wasn't caused by yet another delightful "New American" attempting to barbeque a goat in their babies crib, with the baby inside!

This phenomenon you detail is a direct result of you, and your brethren not doing their jobs. I could wish you might feel some shame, but somehow, I imagine you are beyond shame. After all, you are a PROFESSIONAL JOURNALIST! Unfortunately you are under the impression that's a good thing, while us peons know better.

Okay, just for grins and giggles I attempted to locate this "blog" he keeps babbling on about. I searched Technorati: Nothing. I searched Google News blog checker: Nothing.

Care to guess what I did find? Underneath the fire story he's prattling on about, at 3:21 someone left a comment. It reads...

Surprised wrote on January 18, 2007 3:21 PM
:"I'm just waiting for Marie Waldron to blame it on illegal immigrants ..."

Now, what did I just get done excoriating this waste of skin and oxygen for? For an utter lack of truth telling on the issue of illegal immigration? Guess what? He just did it again!

He said...
I then played the illegal immigrant blog game, a favorite pastime of North County Timers. If you read our Web site regularly, you probably play it, too. It doesn't matter what the story is, someone, at some point, will start blogging about illegal immigration. The game is to guess how soon someone will post about illegal immigrants on a story that has nothing to do with them. We write about a Latino kid winning an award, people start asking if he or she is an anchor baby. We write about wild coyotes, people start asking if they have all their papers in order. It's funny, in a "man, they have a lot of free time on their hands" sorta way.
Now, reading this aren't you left with the impression that some deliciously evil reich winger had posted something like..."So, do you think these apartments are chock-a-block full of illegal aliens, or what, and how about that Councilwoman Marie Waldron, eh?" (It just works better in a Canadian accent, I don't know why.)

Instead, we have a person mocking Councilwoman Marie Waldron on the subject, insinuating that the Councilwoman would find a way to tie this illegal immigration even if it weren't true.

This leaves me with two fundamental questions regarding our interlocutor Chris, and please remember he's a PROFESSIONAL JOURNALIST!

1.) Does he read the English language? I have my doubts at this point.

2.) Does he have any freaking idea what a blog is? Leaving a comment on someone else's space is not BLOGGING! It's just not. In fact there's a name for it: commenting. Damn I'm good.

Once upon a time a lowly blogger cautioned our Three Monkey Media, they warned "we will fact check your ass." This appears to be a lesson unlearned at every level of PROFESSIONAL JOURNALISTS (damn I wish I knew how to insert that trademark thingie!)

This has been another edition of "why PROFESSIONAL JOURNALISTS lub-lub-lub them some belegals!"

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