Freedom Folks

Friday, October 14, 2005

Borders & Illegal Immigration: Get Control, Then We Can Talk

Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist said yesterday that the Senate will tackle border security and interior immigration enforcement before turning to the broader question of immigration reforms and a guest-worker program.

Read the full Washington Times article here, which goes on to say to say of Frist that...

His position on tackling enforcement first is similar to former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, who says the government must prove to voters that it can enforce immigration laws before Congress turns to a guest-worker plan.


You come home from a party to find the door wide open, you've been robbed, and your home is trashed. Would your first step be to invite any criminals still inside your home to stay? NO. First thing you're going to do is CLOSE THE DOOR AND LOCK IT. Then you're going to make sure there are no criminals still inside, and deal with any remaining criminals swiftly and forcefully. Then you're going to seek justice and protection from the government. Then you're going to determine what these criminals have stolen, and try to get it back. Then you're going to clean up the damage that the criminals have done. Then you're going to live your life doing all you can to make sure that these criminals don't come back.

It's just common sense.

My message to those representing us in Washington:

We're being robbed blind because the door has been left open for far too long. Let's get it closed and locked. Let's see some of that justice and protection we've entrusted you to seek for us. America IS home.

It's just common sense.