Freedom Folks

Monday, October 24, 2005

ILLEGAL Immigration: Just Bus'em In

This article details the mission statement and general loopiness of an organization called: No More Deaths.

It is the usual touchie-feelie leftist crap about people dying on the border because of mean old America.

This list shows that far too many churches have lost their way.

The object of our border laws is not to kill aliens, no more than the weapon on a police officers hip is for killing bank robbers. However, when people choose to break the law there may be consequences.

These laws are not unjust, every nation should have the ability to control who enter their borders. Every nation should be able to control who lives and works within their territory.

But these lefty softheads would have us throw open our borders to anyone who wishes to enter without asking the simplest questions that should be asked.

Are you a criminal?

Do you have a communicable disease that would be a danger to the community?

Are you willing to be a productive part of American society?

Rather, these jack-asses would throw open the door to anyone leaving us vulnerable and broke.

Vulnerable to terrorists or just garden variety killers who know they can flee the country to get away with their heinous crimes.

Broke because of soft-headed lefties who would hand the wealth and treasure of our country to those who haven't earned it.

Finally, they would offer amnesty to those who have spat in the face of every person who came to this country LEGALLY. Making a joke of the whole concept of just law, way to go ministers of god, you are truly jack-asses!

These people are the true danger. They wander around oblivious to reality, ensconced in their lefty dreams of a world where everyone gets along, reality notwithstanding.

These people make it hard to do anything reasonable about the border. Whenever a bill is put forth they begin bleating aboutthe rights of criminals and non-citizens making it virtually impossible to have an intelligent conversation regarding those who make a travesty of our laws on a daily basis.

If you attend one of these alleged churches please let them know you don't appreciate their approval of crime.

These folks aid and abet criminals on a daily basis, providing them with the means to enter our country ILLEGALLY. The next logical step is for these morons to provide a bus service.