Freedom Folks

Monday, October 24, 2005

The Problem with Progressive

It's a fine word, progressive. It means to advance, or move forward. I was thinking recently about the way the left throws that word around, waving it proudly like a banner. We're part of a progressive movement. We're progressives. It's the party of progressives.

What I never hear addressed, though, is what, exactly, they're moving toward. It occurs to me that there has to be a goal if one is "making progress." There has to be something definable that you're trying to achieve, and progress can't be measured without first acknowledging and judging the goal. The goal, of course, can be good or bad.

I mean, if a person's goal is to be a serial killer, and he murders three people, he's made progress.

But I think that this part has gotten lost in over a century of "progressive" politics. The definition of "progressive" has come to include the assumption that the goal is a positive one, and it's a dangerous and repugnant assumption.

If, for example, the goal is to bring Socialism or Communism to America, it's not progress in my book. If the goal is for a woman to be able to kill her unborn child because she wants to freely engage in her sexual rights without having to bear the consequences, it's not progress in my book. If the goal is to make it an offense to make a joke about one religion while working to persecute another, it's not progress in my book. If the goal is to leave our borders wide open, spit on our immigration laws, and devalue the privilege of U.S. citizenship that our ancestors have toiled, struggled and bled for, it's not progress in my book.

To advance or move America forward requires a good, hard look at what will really make it a better place for our children and their children. In my book, striving to make it a place where hard work, responsibility, freedom and citizenship are not held in highest esteem isn't even the ballpark if we're going to talk about PROGRESS.

TMH's Bacon Bits has some similar thoughts

As seen @
Stop The ACLU

TMH's Bacon Bits

CAo's Blog (we love Cao!)

California Conservative
