Freedom Folks

Monday, November 14, 2005

Paging Dr. Darwin

I was reading this.

In this tale of the absurd we are reminded that Canada is still in the running for "stupidest country in the world." though, god knows the competition is stiff.

It seems Canadian bleeding heart activists and general lefties of every stripe want to allow prison inmates clean needles and professionally rendered tattoos.

I work in hospitality, been doing it since I was a kid, and I've worked in almost every environment you can imagine. Hotels, resorts, ranches, restaurants fine and foul, hospitals, retirement homes, literally if you can name it I've most likely worked in it.

What does that have to do with this article.

Well, the one thing I left off that list is that I worked briefly as a cook supervisor in a jail.

Juat as asides, I have actually been more concerned for my safety in some of the restaurants and hotels I worked at. I'll never forget the time I was sitting in the smoker's shack out back of a hotel shooting the shit with a clearly unbalanced dishwasher. I asked him what he'd been doing before working at this particular hotel. He studied me for a moment, and with a mighty exhale of ciggie smoke informed me he'd been in prison for murder.

Anyway, certainly jail is not prison but they are closely related. We also had a max wing that held guys who were supposed to be in prison but weren't due to a lack of beds.

Let's state the obvious, most of these guys weren't monsters. Most were sad sacks who fucked up, it's really that simple. Most of them had drinking or drug problems that lay at the root of their behaviour. So when you deal with them as they were in prison, off the drink or drugs, you couldn't quite understand how they got there.

However, some were monsters. Some lived by the code of the jungle. You looked in their eyes and saw no humanity. These are the guys we want to naturally select themselves out of the game. Whether by a dirty needle to shoot drugs or a dirty needle with which to tattoo themselves makes almost no difference to me. Some of these cats got to go, it's just common sense.

Or at the very least slow'em down with a serious illness.

But hey that's just me, what do you think?

tip o'the toque 2 RightTthinkingPeople
My Homie Ace Of Spades