2000 Savages Attack!
Oops! Did I slip and say savages? I'm sorry, what I really meant to say was-
Lying, cheating, fiendish, nasty, childish, brutal, horrific, unbelievable, cruel, foul, stinking, soulless barbarians!
Maybe savage was better.
One sentence in this missive of woe leapt off the page at me.
The Commission of Justice and Peace in Lahore ruled that the blasphemy accusations were false and stemmed from the accusers having a financial dispute with the families they accused.
You have got to be kidding me. An entire village was burnt down, 450 people have no place to live, and why?
A financial dispute? Nice, very nice.
Maybe bastards would be more accurate.
h/t 2 Stop The ACLU
Euphoric Reality
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