Freedom Folks

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Dick Morris: Loving The Illegals

In his article posted today in the Hill magazine Dick Morris casts a gimlet eye on our current immigration situation and makes several suggestions.

I normally agree with about 60-70% of anything Mr. Morris writes but, I think he's almost entirely wrong here.

Let's take a look --

Establish a legal guest-worker program. Nobody can deny the manifest need of Americans — both individuals and businesses — for the work that currently illegal immigrants provide. They would not be coming if they did not have access to jobs, and there would be no work if there were no demand.

There's always going to be demand for cheap slave labor sir, this is nothing new. I find it extraordinary how many otherwise smart people fall for this one. Work in a lot of restaurants have you Dick? Well, I have and let me tell you, yes, people like cheap slave labor, but it ain't good for anybody in the equation.

A guest-worker program will end the leper colony within our borders of disenfranchised, invisible illegals who have no rights and no responsibilities.

Points are given for his brave use of the word "ILLEGAL". However, again, these folks are here ILLEGALLY, their rights consist of a sandwich and a hearty adios. In my experience (and yes I have a lot) a lot of these folks don't want to integrate, they hate this country and hold it in contempt. Not all, but a lot.

Regularize cash shipments home. A vital form of foreign aid for Mexico and the impoverished countries of Central America is the remittances sent each week by illegal immigrants to their families back home.

Not our problem, bottom line. Mexico and every other of these countries is a sovereign state, as are we. Why is it our problem that these countries depend on this ILLEGAL flow of cash?

Combating illegal immigration need not smack of racism. It is important to all American citizens — Latinos and Anglos — and is in the national interest. But it is also in our interest to allow immigrants to come and settle here legally.

But radicals will always yank the race card out at the slightest provocation, which is why it MUST be ignored. If we allow emotional reactions to drive our policymaking decisions we are doomed. Another aspect to consider is the craven nature of politicians, they would rather get caught with an underage hooker, a whip, and a six pack of whip cream before being called a racist.

Immigration is keeping America young and vital. If not for the annual flow of 3 million people — about half legal and half illegal — we would be much like the nations of Europe, losing population and watching their populations age. But we cannot afford the current chaotic flow of immigrants over a theoretical border. We need to enforce the law and make it fair.

There is a lot of truth in this passage, I almost agree with what he's saying here. But allow me to posit a radical notion. What if shut down immigration for a while? All the way, no one comes. I keep hearing it said that immigration into this country is a privilege but, nobody treats it that way. Instead, it is treated like a right and held in contempt.

Perhaps if we choked of the spigot for a while people would be reminded in the harshest possible way that it is a privilege. The argument against seems to hinge on a rather crazy idea that our country would suddenly be feeble and old, no diversity, with no brain power and nobody to do the manual labor. I call bullshit on that.

This is the most diverse country in the world RIGHT NOW! This second more races, religions and ethnicities are represented in this great land than any other. We would not instantly become a nation of white protestants but, that's the argument.

Mr. Morris makes some good arguments in this article. I like the wall, can we get one please? But I think he misses some obvious points.

What say you?