Yet Another Reconquista Enters The Fray!
Bill Richardson, Governor of New Mexico enters the crowded Democrat field of presidential candidates...
Source: abcnews
Jan. 21, 2007 -- The field for the Democratic presidential nomination got still more crowded this morning, with New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson announcing he will take the first step in a run for the White House by forming a presidential exploratory committee. Richardson followed the announcement with an exclusive interview with George Stephanopoulos on ABC's "This Week." Richardson enters a contest already dominated by Sen. Barack Obama of Illinois, who announced this week that he is forming a presidential exploratory committee of his own, and Sen. Hillary Clinton of New York, who made a statement about her presidential ambitions just yesterday. Still, while much media attention has been focused on the frontrunners, Richardson told Stephanopoulos he believes there is room in the field for a Hispanic governor from a western state.Previous coverage:
Bill Richardson: Race Pandering Whore
So Close...
Hey! Where Did My ILLEGAL Go?
Bill Richardson: Loves Cock...?
Governor Bill Richardson Still Unsure What Country He's Citizen Of?
Bill Richardson: Governor Of Chihuahua?
Bill Richardson: Still Unsure What Country He Serves
And most especially: A Hispanic President?
I will have some more thoughts on this later after I've had a chance to ruminate a little bit.
Technorati Tags: bill richardson, illegal immigration, amnesty, mexico,
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